How to advertise a website for free: Top 10 ways to promote

If you decide to advertise the site for free, you should be prepared for the fact that it will take a relatively long time to achieve a result. So be prepared for this. But such methods do not require from you any special deep knowledge.

  1. Link exchange

A good way to advertise a website for free is to exchange links. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • you need to find related sites thematically
  • contact their owners
  • suggest exchange links.

However, it is not as simple as it seems. Because not all owners want to make such an exchange. You also need to constantly prepare materials for links to share. As an option – use the services of a specialized exchange of links, where owners of sites that are already ready for such an exchange “hang out”. As a result, you will receive many links to your site from other resources, but in exchange, you will also need to place a large number of links on your site. So the method is dubious. Although he has the right to life and even has a certain effectiveness.

  1. Free articles

The following method, how to advertise a site involves writing free articles. You need to find sites that allow you to post articles with links to your resource. However, you need to:

  • prepare a unique article
  • make it the highest quality and useful.

Because non-unique or low-quality articles may not be accepted for publication. The main difficulty, where to advertise the site lies in the fact that it is not so easy to find good directories for free placement of articles. You have to spend time and effort using search engines.

  1. Use blogs and blog platforms

There are a number of platforms that allow anyone to create a blog for free. Among them are the most famous:


Now, how to advertise a website for free on blog platforms:

  • creating multiple blogs for your site on different platforms
  • setting links in each blog to your site
  • Periodic updating of blogs – writing articles or materials for blogs with new links to the site.
  1. Commenting on blogs and articles

Another good option to advertise a site is rather old but still effective. It is quite simple. You need to go to thematic blogs and sites, leave comments here with links to your site. Of course, not all comments will be approved by the moderators, but some will still appear before the eyes of the honorable public. And another part – go to your links. If you are interested in the text of your comment.


  1. Optimization of articles on the site

This method does not directly relate to how to advertise a website for free – this is more SEO promotion. But it also represents a rather important stage in the procedure for attracting visitors to your resource. And in order to get the maximum result, it is enough just to do everything according to the SEO promotion scheme. If your site does not yet occupy the first positions of Google and Yandex, then we are waiting for you on a free SEO promotion course. For 3 lessons you will get the first result.

To increase site traffic, attract readers, it is important not only to write as many unique articles as possible but also to optimize them correctly for the requirements of search engines. The essence of the method is to:

  • articles were unique
  • they had the correct structure – with the headings H1, H2, H3, with numbered or dotted lists
  • The articles used the corresponding key queries
  • The material was presented images, also signed with the use of keywords.
  1. Social networks

A good option to advertise a website for free is to use the full power of social networks. Using them, you can drive traffic – and it’s just huge. Unless, of course, the right thing to do. There are quite a lot of social networks from where you can organize a stream of visitors:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • and many others.

This will allow users to repost your articles on their pages with one click. As practice shows, if the social network button is not on the page, the user, even if he liked the article very much, only in extreme cases will copy the link and repost it to himself. In most cases, he will not do this. In addition, be sure to create a representation of your site in all possible social networks. Put a link to the site in the description of the group, as well as publish links to all sections and new articles.

Such advertising in social networks allows you to:

  • get more targeted visitors
  • significantly increase the visibility of the site
  • have a positive impact on the search engine site.

Therefore, do not neglect this opportunity and do not be lazy. Be sure to use social networks to advertise your site for free. The more mentions of the site, individual articles in different social networks will be, the better.

  1. Good structure and correct, clear navigation.

In order for visitors to want to return to the site, spend as much time as possible on it, it is important to create a structure that is understandable for them, with easy navigation. Do not scatter articles in an incomprehensible sequence. All material must be strictly ordered according to certain sections. The transition from page to page should be as convenient and simple as possible.

8. Internal Linking

Asking how to advertise a site, think about whether internal linking is implemented on your site. This is an important point in charge of website promotion. If the internal linking is done correctly, then it may not be necessary to advertise too actively. The essence of this method is to establish internal links in their articles, which will lead to thematic articles and pages of sites. The user will follow these links as if on a map, staying on the site for the maximum possible time. In addition, a properly implemented internal linking will allow you to properly distribute the weight between pages, as well as transfer it to the most important pages for your site.

  1. Good design

By the way, thinking about where to advertise the site, make sure that your resource has an attractive appearance. If the design is outdated, repulsive, then all advertising will be useless. The user, going to the site, will immediately leave it. Also on the site should not be too heavy elements, which lead to too long loading pages. If the site is loaded for a few seconds, the search robot will block the request, which will adversely affect the site indexing. And not all users will wait until the site is loaded.

  1. How to advertise a site in Google AdWords

I will describe this method, how to advertise a site in Google AdWords step by step, but succinctly:

  • register a new email box
  • open it
  • in the same browser, click on the link
  • select the country, time and currency relevant for you (they are usually set correctly based on your position, but check the data) and click “Continue”
  • complete account registration.

After that, sign in to your account for and there begin to create an advertising campaign for your site. Setting up an advertising campaign involves the installation of several factors, which will determine as accurately as possible the target audience and eliminate inefficient spending.

Now in brief, but reasonably I will tell you how to set up an advertising campaign for a site in Google correctly. Of course, this topic requires a separate, more detailed article, but a concise description will be quite enough to understand the basic principles of this process.

  • Campaign typeset the value to “Search network only”.
  • Location – choose the region for which your ad will be shown.
  • Make a bid for one-click – specify the maximum amount you are willing to pay for one click of a user on an advertisement. The amount ranges from 5 cents to 2 dollars. I recommend at the beginning put 10 cents. Or the amount in your currency, which is equal to 10 cents.

Determine the budget – that is, how much per day you are willing to spend on displaying ads on your site on Google. You need to start with an amount of $ 10, no less. But too large a budget does not need to be established.

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About the Author: Sagar

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